Christ Messenger Ministries is a Non Denominational, Evangelical, Christian Ministry.
We welcome you to CHRIST MESSENGER MINISTRIES (CMM), a non denominational, Christ centered, Evangelical, Christian Ministry, that was founded in the year 2000. The ministry actually became established, and worship began in December of 2003, in Beaufort South Carolina.
At the heart of the ministry is the love of Christ, as we heed his great commission to go into the world, and preach the Gospel to all creatures. We are an outreach ministry, taking the love of Christ outside of the church walls, to wherever, and Whomever God will lead us to. We have no exceptions to race, creed, color, nationality, ethnicity, or any such likes. We love people, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.
This Web Site was created as a place for us to edify, uplift, build up, and share with the Body of Christ, as well as all those who would like to know Him, as we educate, and share the Born Again Christian experience, and way of life. We pray that we will be a blessing to all who visit with us, and hope that you will return frequently to our site.
While we are facing very trying times ahead of us, we are encouraged by the Word of God. Jesus has promised that we can have abundant life in Him. As people of God, we cast our every care upon Him, for he is our burden bearer.
Therefore, in the middle of all of the economic troubles that we find ourselves in, we are to look to Him, for He always provides us with a way out trouble. God has never promised us a trouble free life, but instead, He let us know that in this world, we will have tribulation John 16:33, but in Him, we are overcomers of tribulation. For this cause, we can trust Him even in the face of adversity.
We then, look to the one who is our very present help in times of trouble, for He and He alone is the hill from where all our help comes. So be encouraged, and know that our God is well aware of all that is happening, and we are safe in the arms of God.
Minister Jean Davy
Intercessory Prayer, is the power arm, and the undergirding of this ministry. We believe in a God who hears, and answer the prayers of His people, and for this reason, we depend on a strong prayer team consisting of powerful prayer warriors, and mighty intercessors to stand in the gap with us, and to make up the hedge with prayer.
Our intercessory prayer center: Interceding Power Prayer Ministry (IPPM), is such a group. This prayer team is made up of intercessors from all denominations, and people groups. However, you must have the call of God on your life for intercession, must be a Born Again, and Spirit filled believer in God. Must be able to pray a prayer that will get God's attention, and cause Him to perform His Word on our behalf. Must be willing to be called upon whenever prayer is needed. Must live a life that reflects one that follows Christ from the heart.
What We Believe
We here at Christ Messenger Ministries believe:
In the 5 Solas of the Christian Faith:
1. Sola Scriptura: The Holy Scriptures alone is the inerant Word of God.
2. Sola Gratia: By the grace of God alone.
3. Sola Fide: faith in Jesus Christ alone.
4. Solus Christos: through Christ alone.
5. Soli Deo Gloria: to God alone be the glory.
Therefore: the Holy Scripture alone is the Word of God, which teaches that salvation is by the grace of God alone, though faith in Jesus Christ alone, all the glory goes to God alone. There is no other way to be saved. "Acts 3:16 and 4:12"
We furthur believe that:
- Every human being is born under condemnation of sin, and the penalty for sin is death.
- In order to be reconciled to God, we must be saved (Born Again).
- Jesus is the only way to salvation (being Born Again).
- We can only know God, and the way of salvation only through the Bible, which is the Word of God.
- We believe that the Bible in it's original form is the inerant, inspired Word of God who alone is it's Author. II Peter 1:21,22.
For a complete list of what we believe here at CMM/IPPM: please see our expanded list.