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Christ Messenger Ministries Victorious Christian Living Bible Studies

As promised, we have began our Victorious Christian Living online Bible study. This will be a basic Bible study designed to help us in our daily lives, to live victoriously by God's Word. It will be done in a topical form, as we will be discussing topics on how we are to live daily, in light of what the Word of God says.  We will look at the Bible in context, and on a chapter by chapter, verse by verse way.  The Bible is the final word of doctrine, and our devine instruction manual; it takes precedence in all that we as people of God do.  The Bible is it's own interpreter, as we aply precept upon precept, line upon line; as we are guided by the Holy Spirit who alone understands and knows the mind of God.  II Peter 1:20, 21 tells us that "no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.  For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."  Outside of the Word of God, there is no knowledge of God.

We encourage the participants to read the cross-refferences, and other scriptures used for support, and clarity.



Victorious Christian Living


Lesson #1:  Basic Bible Study on Salvation


Study Guide


  1. What is salvation?
  2. Why the need for salvation?
  3. How can we obtain salvation?
  4. Are there other ways or paths to God for salvation?
  5. Who has the power to save (according to the Word of God).
  6. Once saved, can we loose our salvation?


Introduction:  Because of the original sin in the Garden of Eden by our forefathers Adam, and Eve, sin fell upon  all mankind.  The Bible tells us that the penalty for sin is death; so death passed on to all mankind.  Nevertheless, because of God's great love for us, He made a way for us that we could be redeemed and set back in right standing with Him.  This way, is the way of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.  There is no other way.


1. What is salvation?

According to the Bible (Word of God), Salvation is the gift of God to anyone who believes by faith in Jesus Christ.  Read Ephesians chapter 2 verses  8, and 9 also Romans 6:23.  We cannot do any good deeds, or works of righteousness in order to obtain salvation for only Jesus has the power to save.  This comes by the grace of God (God's unmerited favor), not because of what we do, but because of God.

2. Why the need for salvation?

The Bible tells us that all have sin and come short of the glory of God Romans 3:23.  We are all guilty of sin, there is none that is born righteous, and none that does not sin.

The Bible also tells us that the Penalty, payment, punishment, or reward for sin is death read Galatians 3:22 so that anyone who is born in this world is guilty of sin, we all have a death penalty hanging over us.  there had to be a way to remove this penalty and restour mankind back to God.  There needed to be the death of someone who could atone for the sins of the whole world, and satisfy the righteous judgement of a righteous God.

Because there was no human being, nor angel who could do this, God Himself took on, or became human (incarnation) in order to die for our sin.  He came in the form of the Son Jesus, and took on the death penalty, dying to set mankind free, reconciling us back to the Father.

For this cause, we must be "Born again" or saved.  This can only be done by us acknowledging what Jesus did for us, believing by faith that He is the only begotten Son of God with power to save; doing exactly what the Bible tells us to do Romans 10:9, 10, 11, 12.  When we do what God tells us to do, then He will keep His word He has promised us, for He watches over His Word to perform it. (Please read Romans 10:9, 10, 11, 12.)

3. How can we obtain Salvation?

First and foremost, we must obey the Word of God, and do what He tells us.  God gives us divine instructions to follow in the bible; if we do what He tells us, then He will do what He has promised, for it is impossible for Him to lie.  Romans 10:9 tells us that "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord, Jesus, and believe in thine hearth that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved".  We are to use our mouth to confess what has happened in our hearts.  Verse 10 tells us what we need to believe: That God has raised Him from the dead, for if Christ be risen, then we too are risen and alive in Him.  If Christ had not risen, then, we too would be spiritually dead.  It is not amatter of just saying words, but we must believe from then heart that which we are confessing. (Read Romans 10:14-17).

4. Who has the Power to save, 5. And Are there other paths to salvation?

We are living in a time when there is much being said about the many paths there are to God.  However, God has said in  His Word that there is only one way to gain access to Him, and entrance into His Kingdom.  Anyone who says, or teaches differently, are spreading a false doctrine, and therefore, does not know God, nor His Word.  The Bible is God's guide or roadmap to Him for His people to follow.  If we teach anything different, we are in disobedience to God.

John 3:16 tells us that believing in Jesus alone produces eternal or everlasting life. Romans 10:9 tells us we must confess, and believe in Jesus in order to be saved. John 10: 9 tells us that Jesus is the door by which we gain entrance into the kingdom; Acts 4:12 tells us that salvation is not found in any other name but the name of Jesus.

Please read the following scriptures that tells us of Jesus being the only way: Luke 2:11, John 3:17 Acts 4:12, Acts 5:31. Romans 5:6-11, 1Corinthians 3:11, 1Thesalonians 5:9,10.  We will be discussing this in our open disscussion period.

If God tells us that Jesus is the only way, the we ought to obey God rather than man.  The Bible tells us that there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end there off is death.  If we want to receive eternal life, and live in God's kingdom, then, we must obey God Through His Word.  Jesus is the only way.  All other paths lead to Hell and eternal separation from the presence of God

Only Jesus has the power to save; for this exact cause God became a man (human being) in order to die for us. It is only He that has the power to save.


6. Can we loose our salvation?

In the Word of God (Bible), the Father reffers to salvation as eternal, and everlasting meaning that it is for ever.  There is no ending to it.  If it were possible for us to loose it, it would not be eternal or everlasting.

The book of Hebrew tells us that if we were to loose our salvation, it would be impossible to restour us again, because then, Jesus would have to die again for us. Heb. 6:1-6

The Bible also tells us that Jesus is both the author and the finisher of our faith.  It is His job to present us before the Father as His Bride on the last day (culmination of all things).

Those that are saved are given to Christ by God the Father, and no one is able to take them from Him, Jesus is unable to loose anyone that has been saved. John 10:28-30.  We are kept saved by the one who saves them.  Therefore, it is impossible for one who is truly saved to loose his or her salation; it is that such a person was never saved at all.

 This concludes ower very basic lesson on salvation.  We will be revisiting this topic from time to time to give a more indept teaching on this vast topic.