IPPM Prayer Center

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Welcome to our prayer center; this section contains all of our prayer activities, including: prayer requests, praise section, articles of encouragement, teachings on prayer etc. In short, this section will include all things prayer.

IPPM, Interceding Power Prayer Ministry, is the power arm of our ministry. We believe in a God that cares about us, and is very willing to intervene in our situation, whatever that may be. IPPM is made up of a very powerful group of prayer warrior, intercessors, who are ever ready to stand in the gap, and make up the hedge in prayer for those who are in need of divine intervention. 


PRAYER SCRIPTURE FOR February, 2025: "What then? I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray the understanding also: I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." I Cor. 14:15.  The Bible instructs us to pray in the Spirit meaning that we should allow the Spirit to lead and guide us in prayer.  The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God, and He leads us according to the will of God.  We are to use our understanding as we pray also.  God knows what is in our hearts, and He hears our heartfelt cries, He knows exactly what we need, and He answers us according to His will.  




There has never been a time like today, when there is a greater need for prayer. There seems to be turmoil on every hand. Daily, we hear of disasters both without, and within. The economical crisis has reached worldwide proportions, and there seems to be no improvement on the horizon.

In the midst of it all, is the Word of God, which let us know that God is able to change things if we would only come to him in prayer. Therefore, those of us who believe in the power of prayer, are called upon to intercede on the behalf of this entire world. God is able to cause all things to abound to good when He is called upon to bring fort change, and prayer does change things; for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, let us pray without ceasing IThessalonians  5:17, and let us always pray one for another James 5:16.

 Min. J. Davy

Holiness unto the Lord



Prayer Requests: 

If you have a need for prayer, we invite you to submit your prayer need to us by sending us an email with your request. You may also submit your request by mail (see our contact information). The ministry email is: cmm.ippm@gmail.com We will be happy to pray for you.