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IPPM Prayer calendar will be published on a Bi-monthly basis. In this section, we will also feature our prayer requests, and aticles on intercession, and various updates for our intercessors and prayer warriors. All prayer requests, and updates will be featured here.


MONDAYS: Sick and Shut Ins; also for Marriage and Families, General Requests.

  1. Pray for God to intervene againts the rising wave of anti-Christian adctivities worldwide.
  2. For this ministry that God would continue to guide, and direct us as we continue to keep our focus on those things pertaining to His Kingdom.  That we would be always guided by His Holy Spirit in all we do.
  3. Elder Dale Morales: For God to intervene in her overall health situation, and give her a more determined prayer life.
  4. Paula: was diagnosed with cancer, praying for healing, and deliverance.  Also praying for her family, and her mental health
  5. Jacinto French: Had a stroke, and severe heart condition; praying for healing and for God to continue to strenghten family.
  6. Pray for God's intervention against the worldwide Corona Virus Pandemic.
  7. Paulette Solomon: For reconciliation between her and son, also for God's divine intervention into all areas of her life.
  8. Tasha Simmons: For God to help her in her search for an apartment, and to keep her from day to day.
  9. Jhashira French: For God's divine protection, and for Him to be a Hedge of Protection around her raising a standard against the attacks of the enemy.
  10. Oscar Ortega: for God to restrain sin in him, and show Himself mighty against the works of the enemy as he seeks to use him.
  11. Pablo and His little sister Adriana: divine protection, and God's intervention in their lives.
  12. Kiloo and Shahaira Morales, Mia Simmons: healing from problems with their eyes, for God to be with them every step of the way.
  13. Marcella Mason: praying for her complete healing and deliverance.
  14. Pray for president Donald Trump and his cabinet; also for all those in positions of leadership.

TUESDAYS: All servants of God in ministry ( to be kept continuously before the Lord)

  1. Yeshai Allen (Bishop), Elder Brown, Min. Rayette Allen, and Church of God in Unity.
  2. Pastor Daisy Evans and Fountain of life church. 
  3. Pastor Charlie Bostick, and The ministerial staff of Fishers of Men Pentecostal Church.
  4. Pastor John Kimayo.
  5. Pastor Carl Broggi and Community Bible Church.
  6. Emily Jerome and Youth With a Mission (YWAM).
  7. Minister Jean Davy and Christ Messenger Ministries (CMM).
  8. Bishop Boaz Stuppard and Shiloh Compassion and Praise Outreach Ministries.
  9. Pastor Willie Davis (Bishop)
  10. Evangelist Lillian Johnson and True Salvation Training Center of Praise.
  11. Pastor Chromely and Acts of Pentecost Church.
  12. Pastor K.P. Yohannan and Gospel for Asia.
  13. Pray for all GFA, and VOM missionarys, and field workers who face harm and danger daily, as they proclaim the Gospel in very troubled areas of the world.
  14. Minister Zenobia Carson/Silas
  15. Pastor John McArthur
  16. Min. Zenobia Carson-Silas 
  17. Pastor Damon Richardson
  18. Evangelist Justin Peters
  19. Pastor Corey Minor
  20. Pastor Voddie Baucham
  21. April Chapman 
  22. Caldwell Ministry

WEDNESDAYS: IPPM Fast and Prayer Day #1, all 1st Wednesdays

  1. Pray for all IPPM intercessors and their families
  2. Pray for all those in need of salvation, including the members of your families that are not saved.

Below, you will find our salvation request list. Please pray over this list on our Fast and Prayer days ( 1st Wednesdays, and 3rd Fridays).

THURSDAYS: All Governments and Heads of State, and Royalties.

  1.  For the governing bodies in the USA.
  2. Pray for the USA: for God to intervene and bring the people to repentance, and that the church in the USA will resist apostasy, and ungodliness.
  3. All leaders of every nation under heaven.
  4. Pray for president Joe Biden, that God would use him as He sees fit. for God to give him a right heart for the people, for God to restrain sin in him.
  5. Pray for God to intervene in the descisions being handed down by the Supreme Court of the US, pray for the individual court justices, that they would not go contrary to the dictates of Almighty God.
  6. Pray for God to use all leaders, and governments on this earth as instruments in His hands to accomplish his will for this entire world.
  7. Pray for the Body of Christ: that we would represent God in all holiness, and righteousness.  That God's church will remain steadfast and unmoveable in these times that we are living in. 
  8. Pray for  God to restrain sin in the unbelievers, that lawlesness,and ungodliness  would not abound.
  9. Pray for the true church of God, that we will be ready for His return, and that we would remain holiness unto the Lord.
  10. Pray for the president of the USA that God will use him to accomplish His will for this nation, and the world, that his eyes be open to truth; and that he will humble himself, and turn to the living God.

FRIDAYS: IPPM Fast and Prayer Day #2, all 3rd Fridays

  1. All IPPM intercessors and their families.
  2. Pray for God to intervene against all sexual deviancies, innordinate affections, immoralities, and perversions.
  3. For God to intervene against terrorism worldwide.
  4. God's Word to have full course, that the Gospel of the kingdom of God might be preached in all the earth.
  5. Pray over our salvation list.
  6. Pray for God to intervene against human trafficking worldwide, especially that of children.
  7. God's protection for children worldwide, especially for those in state, and or government, and foster care.

SATURDAYS: Nations, and areas of Christian Persecution, and for those who are suffering due to natural disasters.

  1. Ukraine
  2. Russia
  3. Syria
  4. Turkey
  5. Poland
  6. Mexico
  7. Canada
  8. Venezuela
  9. United States: illegal migrant crisis
  10. Honduras
  11. Panama
  12. Jamaica
  13. Israel
  14. HAITI
  SUNDAYS:  is the Lord's Day. You are encouraged to attend the church of your choise. Please keep CMM/IPPM in you prayers at all times, that God will ever use this ministry for His Glory. Let us be all that we can be for our great, and loving God; we are "Holiness unto the Lord".


We welcome your prayer requests, and encourage you to e-mail us with any needs you would like us to bring before the Lord in prayer. You may e-mail us at: cmm.ippm@gmail.com or minjeandavy08@aol.com



1. Joan Jones & fam.  2. Justin O. Christopher  3. Kevin Davy 4.Jhashira French  5. Jacinto French  6. Paula  7.Ivor Liverpool  8.Joyce and Keith Green  9.Samaria Musoke  10.Brigitte Elteto  11. Kayin Davy  12.Gilberto Wilson  13.Shalonic Green  14.Angel 15.Keenan Speaks  16.Geneve Hightower and sons  17. Orlando Davy & Fam. 18. Anthony Barnett 19.The entire Davy & Wilson families  20. Matthew Wiska 21. Shahira Morales 22. Ki-Loo Morales. 23. Alexis Ortega, Pablo and little Adriana.


NOTE: Prayers for all servants of God are recurrent, and will remain on the prayer list.  Other recurrent prayers will be moved to our Prayer Vessel and kept before the Lord.