Our Ministry Activities Spot
As promised, our Victorious Christian Living Bible studies have started. You may have the lessons sent to you by mail free of charge, if you so desire. Just e-mail us with your mailing address. We will be glad to mail you a copy; Minister Jean Davy (CMM/IPPM); cmm.ippm@gmail.com or minjeandavy08@aol.com .
News You Can Use.....
The Messenger's Voice: Is our newsletter which comes packed with words of encouragement to our readers, and articles created to lift the spirit, and to edify the body of Christ. We will be featuring exerps from our newsletter in this section, so keep an eye out for this. We will be glad to send you out a copy at your request; just send us an email requesting one; you may also request to be put on our mailing list to receive it regularly as it is published. You may choose a list to be placed on: 1. Mailing list or 2. Email list.
Minister Jean Davy
cmm.ippm@gmail.com (Ministry email)
Let us pray with you...
If you or your loved ones are in need of prayer, please contact us with your prayer need. We believe in the power of prayer, and a God who is a promise keeper. Allow us to stand in the gap with you, and to make up the hedge, as we trust God together in faith. Please see our contact information.
Here at Interceding Power Prayer Ministry, our focus is on prayer, because we believe in the power of prayer. There is so much beng said about prayer these days, that as usual, people seems to have complicated things. But simply put, prayer is communicating, making a contact with, or talking with God.
God communicates with us in these days through His Word (the Bible), and we communicate with Him by talking to Him. Our God is verry approachable, and encourages us to talk with Him. This is the only way we have in order to do this.
We do not have a problem talking to our friends, family, or those we love. Therefore, if we love God as we say we do (God's people), there should be no problem communicating with Him.
The Bible in the book of Matthew 6:9-15, Jesus gives us an example, or an outline as to how we should pray. In the book of St. John the 17th chapter, Jesus prays for the church. The Bible is filled with the prayers of the people of God, and with exhortations for us to pray. Only God can hear and act on our prayers, therefore, we are to live a life that will cause God to act on our prayers. Therefore, let us come before God in righteousness as holy people of God, and make our request known unto Him. He does hear, and answers our prayers.
Minister J. Davy (on prayer)
We give God the glory for the many prayers that He has heard, and answered because you prayed. Because we have had such a large number of devine interventions, we will keep the praise posting in the prasise section for one month, after which we will place the list in the archives, in order to free up space for the new praise entries. This will be done begining with the month of January 2020.
1. Praise God that we are able to re-locate to Virginia after a long hiatus.
2. We are very grateful to God for keeping through this pandemic. He is still our very help in times of trouble, therefore, we can live victoriously in Christ each and every day. We thank Him for another year.
Chit Chat from our Leader...
The Bible is the innerant Word of God, and is the most important thing in the life of a believer (child of God). We, as people of God, live our daily lives governed by God's Word; for outside of the Bible, we cannot live a life that is pleasing in His sight.
We find ourselves living in a world that have re-defined who God is, and by so doing have also re-defined what Christianity means. How one is to live as a Christian from a world perspective is entirely different from the views of the God of the Bible.
Tares have been planted in God's wheat garden (read the parable of the tares in the book of Matthews 13:27-30), and somehow the church has allwed it to grow and flourish. But make no mistake about it; for God is well aware of this. Since He alone can do the separating, He is allowing them to grow together with the children of God; at the appointed time, He will do the separating, for God knows those who are His.
While much of the so called church have sat silently as it allowed the re-defining of God, and His Word. we as people of God know that not everyone who say they are a Chiistian, are Christians according to Gods definition of who a Christian really is. The Bible lets us know that "My sheep (God.s people) hear my voice, and I know them, and they know me." John 10:27
The voice of the false prophets have gone out into this world, and they (the world) are running in tandem after them. however, there is still the true church of God, the Body of Christ, that is still very alive and well, who continue to follow the one true God; who is the Lord and Savior of the redeemed.
The Bible is no longer popular, and neither is the God of the Bible.Jesus Christ is blasphed on a daily bases by those in who there is no fear of God. Therefore, it is no wonder that the people of God are also blasphemed by the world. However, God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. His laws and regulations are the same, they will remain the same forever.
The laws of this country and the world for that matter, have and will continue to change. As immorality and godlessness become more, and more the rule of the day, the things of God will also be trampled under-foot by evil men who do not love the truth. Nevertheless, the Word of God will prevail; it is by this same Word that the world, and mankind will be judged.
As people of God, saved by faith in Christ alone, redeemed by His precious blood; even in the midst of all of this, we are to remain "holliness unto the Lord". This world is not our home, we are to walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. We are only pilgrims, and sojouners traveling through, as we journey on to a place not made by hands, who's builder, and maker is our Eternal God and King. Therefore, as we travel, we look always unto Jesus Christ and follow Him; for He is the Author, and Finisher of our faith. For this cause, we travel keeping our focus on the Commonwealth of Heaven, which is our final destination. Even so... come Lord Jesus.
Minister Jean Davy
God is still our Very Present Help in times of trouble...
Even as the pandemic has calmed down quite a bit, We are not completely out of the woods yet. However, God is still our Very Present Help; therefore, we look to Him and not upon the very trying times that we find the world in. Jesus prayed for us and we can rely on our heavenly Father to do and keep the promises made on our behalf. He will not remove us from this world, because there is a purpose for our being here. Nevertheless, He has promised to keep us from the ills of this world while we sojourn here, and this He will do. For this reason, brothers and sisters, saints of the Most High God we continue to keep our eyes focussed on Jesus who is both the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Things has greatly improved as we learn to live with the remnants of the pandemic, and we have learn to adjust our daily living to the many precautions that we must take. Nevertheless, God is still in control.