We Lift our eyes unto "The Hill From Whence Commeth our Help"
May 21, 2022
So much has happened since our last blog entry, that I find it hard to decide where to even begin, nevertheless, I will press forward. We began this year in the middle of a worldwide pandemic: Co-Vid 19, and have been faced with many very difficult choices. So many people have passed on worldwide due to this pandemic, and many drastic measures had to be taken.
There has been and continues to be widespread panic as people attemp to find ways to cope. There is so much bad news on a daily basis with no end in sight.
Even as those of us who are called by Christ name continue more than ever to look unto Jesus, there has began that great falling away spoken of in the Word of God. Not withstanding, we take heart, because we knew these days would come. Therefore, we remain focussed on the Kingdom of God, knowing that our redemption is drawing near.
In the Gospel accoding to John chapter 17, Jesus prays for His Body, asking the Father to keep us from the ills of this world, while we reside tempiorarily here. So even in the midst of all the chaos and confussion,...
christ, christianity, encourage, god, help, jesus, pandemic, redemption, saved, victorious
Posted at: 03:31 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
A time for new Beginnings...
January 8, 2020
As we face a brand new year, we are looking to God for a new beginning; as we see the month of January as a time of renewal, a new start in our spititual walk with the Lord. We are always hoping for a better year, and for God to accomplish in and through us all of what He desires.
We do not make resolutions, instead, we journalize our life living begining with the month of January, so that we can take inventory at the year's end, to see how we are doing, and to seek God's guidance where we have fallen short.
Things are moving at such a rapid pace, that we find it difficult at times to keep up with our daily activities. Nevertheless, we must remain focussed on the will of God, and how we ought to live as people of God in this present world. Therfore, we must read His Word and apply it daily to our lives; for without His help and guidance, we can do nothing. for this cause, we encourage you to continue to look always to Jesus, for He is both the author and finisher of our faith.
beginnings, direction, guidance, holy living, january, journal, new start, new year, planning
Posted at: 05:52 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
New Year, New Begginings...
January 1, 2015
Once again, we are at the start of a new year; as always, we are looking to God for guidance and direction, because we cannot operate without Him.
For the Body of Christ, we have renewed hope, knowing that the time is at hand, and we must continue to represent Him in all holiness and righteousness as never before.
So much is happening so very quickly in the world today, as the scriptures are being fullfilled right before us. The Word of God speaks of a great falling away before the return of Christ, and this is being played out daily in the scheme of things on this earth. Mankind have distanced themselves from the God of the Bible, and have began to serve gods of their own making. It is time for the true people of God to make our calling and election sure.
God in His great love for us has given us free will, but many have used this free will to go following after strange gods, and strange doctrines, even as they continue to name the name of God.
This folly has crept into the church, even as it did in the times of the church...
backsliding, forgiveness, free will, hope, propitiation, renewal, salvation, saved, sins
Posted at: 09:40 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
As Time Goes by
August 8, 2014
It seems as if so many changes are taking place in such a little time, that we feel as if we are trying to play catch up more, and more each day. I find myself wondering where has time gone.
And as time goes by, I am also seing the Words of God coming to pass daily, and I am reminded that we are in the end times. We hear of so many wars, and rumors of war, that people seem to have become desensitized to it, as long as it is no in their backyard.
Crime, and immorality are on the increase, to the point that it has become the norm. Children are no longer safe even in their own homes.
Yet in spite of all this, God is still in control of all things, and will continue to let, until the enemy of our souls is taken away 2 Th. 2:7.
Our peace comes through Jesus Christ, and even in the midst of adversity, trials or tribulation, we can trust His promise to never leave us, nor forsake us. For it is the same Jesus that saves us, who's job it is to present us before the...
god, jesus christ, love, morality, peace, rest, time, trust, wars
Posted at: 01:08 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The holiday has come and gone...
December 29, 2010
The Christmas Holidays have come and gone, and once again we come to the close of another year, and the beginning of yet another. As usual, I find myself taking self inventory, as I reflect on the goals I've accomplished, and those yet unfulfilled. It has been sometime now, that I stopped making "new year's resolutions", but instead, I have found that what works for me, is making a set of goals I would like to achieve for the new year. All year round, I check my goals, sometimes checking off the ones that I have accomplished, and sometimes adding new ones as they come up, and at year's end, I can see what I've accomplished, and where I need more work to be done.
Last year was a very trying time for me and my little family, and at the same we learned to make it through adversities. One of the major things we learned, was the value of very strong family ties. We found out that indeed, a many stranded cord is not very easily broken, and the family that prays together, and pulls together during the storm, will remain together after the storm is over. ...
christmas holidays, coping, family ties, goals, mourning, new year
Posted at: 08:55 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink