Behind the Scene at C.M.M.

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Welcome to our behind the scene page. Here we will be presenting a wide array of topics of interst, as well as keeping you updated with the many things that happens at CMM behind the scene. We will also feature the people who contribute to the success of this site, and also our ministry. We have many helpers, and we will be acknowledging many of  their contributions here.


Our Helpers in Christ: 

We would like to make mention of those of you who have continued with us over the years, we thank you for your words of encouragement and support. We are also very grateful to Sis. Mia Simmons who has been a great help in supplying the needs of our Production Dept. Also, we are very thankful for Tasha, who has been an asset to our financial dept.  


FEBRUARY 2025 :  Once again, we extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who donated monies to help with the work of the ministry here at CMM/ IPPM.  We do not receive any financial support from solicitations, or otherwise; our financial support comes soley from the personal contributions of the staff, and from our faithfull intercessors.  God continues to provide for us as He has promised to do in His Word... However, occasionally, there are those of you who have allowed God to move on your hearts, and you have been a blessing to the ministry. Thank You all, for all you do!!!



February Birthdays: Chaplain Vilma Bailey









 Our Intercessors:

Pastor J. Davy (Administrator); Elder Dale Morales; Deac. Monica Tebis; Min. Batania Little; Min. Shirley Green; Chaplain Vilma Bailey; Sis Caryl Trocard-Modeste; Deac. Kenneth Frith; Sis Mia Simmons, Sis. Tasha Simmons, and Min. Zenobia Carson-Silas.