It is a wonderful thing to be a part of the family of God. And to think that God's family is made up of such a large number of people. This family is not consisting of just any one denomination, but of the entire body of Christ, regardless of your denomination.
We gain entrance to the body of Christ, by accdepting the complete redemption work of Jesus. He has fulfilled all righteousnes for us, so there is no work left for us, but to receive Him as our own personal lord and Saviour. He has done what we could not do for ourselves, and by so doing, fulfilled the righteous demands of a God who is unable to tolerate sin. Jesus took all our sins upon himself for us, and bore the punishment which was death. Because of this, we do not have to pay the penalty, Christ did that for us. He is both the author, and the finisher of our faith.
So then, we should be one, united by the same father, There is one God, and one family of God, which is the Body of Christ.
Min. Jean
Everyone that has accepted God's prescious gift is a part...
body, christ, christian, family, god
Posted at: 04:29 AM | Permalink