We Lift our eyes unto "The Hill From Whence Commeth our Help"
May 21, 2022
So much has happened since our last blog entry, that I find it hard to decide where to even begin, nevertheless, I will press forward. We began this year in the middle of a worldwide pandemic: Co-Vid 19, and have been faced with many very difficult choices. So many people have passed on worldwide due to this pandemic, and many drastic measures had to be taken.
There has been and continues to be widespread panic as people attemp to find ways to cope. There is so much bad news on a daily basis with no end in sight.
Even as those of us who are called by Christ name continue more than ever to look unto Jesus, there has began that great falling away spoken of in the Word of God. Not withstanding, we take heart, because we knew these days would come. Therefore, we remain focussed on the Kingdom of God, knowing that our redemption is drawing near.
In the Gospel accoding to John chapter 17, Jesus prays for His Body, asking the Father to keep us from the ills of this world, while we reside tempiorarily here. So even in the midst of all the chaos and confussion,...
christ, christianity, encourage, god, help, jesus, pandemic, redemption, saved, victorious
Posted at: 03:31 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
It is Christmas Time Again
December 22, 2008
Again, we are in the middle of the Christmas Holiday Season, and even tho some do not like to recognize it, Christmas is a Christian holiday. Down through the ages, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, as told in the Bible ( the Word of God). However, in this time of political correctness, a clever attempt has been made by those who seek to elliminate the name of Jesus from everything, to change the meaning of Christmas. The very name of the holiday points Jesus, who is the Christ.
For those of us who are called by His great name: Christians, because we believe and follow Him. It is a time to stand up for, what we believe, as well as to show forth the love of Jesus Christ. Christianity is a way of life that cannot be stopped. many have tried to stop it to no avail, and many others will do so still unsuccesfully. "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ", and will not be silenced.
So, as we celebrate Christmas this year, remember that Jesus is the Christ in Christmas. Let us not get caught up in commercialism, nor...
believers, celebrate, christ, christmas, holiday
Posted at: 03:10 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The Family of God
November 27, 2008
It is a wonderful thing to be a part of the family of God. And to think that God's family is made up of such a large number of people. This family is not consisting of just any one denomination, but of the entire body of Christ, regardless of your denomination.
We gain entrance to the body of Christ, by accdepting the complete redemption work of Jesus. He has fulfilled all righteousnes for us, so there is no work left for us, but to receive Him as our own personal lord and Saviour. He has done what we could not do for ourselves, and by so doing, fulfilled the righteous demands of a God who is unable to tolerate sin. Jesus took all our sins upon himself for us, and bore the punishment which was death. Because of this, we do not have to pay the penalty, Christ did that for us. He is both the author, and the finisher of our faith.
So then, we should be one, united by the same father, There is one God, and one family of God, which is the Body of Christ.
Min. Jean
Everyone that has accepted God's prescious gift is a part...
body, christ, christian, family, god
Posted at: 04:29 AM | Permalink