Once again, we are at the start of a new year; as always, we are looking to God for guidance and direction, because we cannot operate without Him.
For the Body of Christ, we have renewed hope, knowing that the time is at hand, and we must continue to represent Him in all holiness and righteousness as never before.
So much is happening so very quickly in the world today, as the scriptures are being fullfilled right before us. The Word of God speaks of a great falling away before the return of Christ, and this is being played out daily in the scheme of things on this earth. Mankind have distanced themselves from the God of the Bible, and have began to serve gods of their own making. It is time for the true people of God to make our calling and election sure.
God in His great love for us has given us free will, but many have used this free will to go following after strange gods, and strange doctrines, even as they continue to name the name of God.
This folly has crept into the church, even as it did in the times of the church...
backsliding, forgiveness, free will, hope, propitiation, renewal, salvation, saved, sins
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