It seems as if so many changes are taking place in such a little time, that we feel as if we are trying to play catch up more, and more each day. I find myself wondering where has time gone.
And as time goes by, I am also seing the Words of God coming to pass daily, and I am reminded that we are in the end times. We hear of so many wars, and rumors of war, that people seem to have become desensitized to it, as long as it is no in their backyard.
Crime, and immorality are on the increase, to the point that it has become the norm. Children are no longer safe even in their own homes.
Yet in spite of all this, God is still in control of all things, and will continue to let, until the enemy of our souls is taken away 2 Th. 2:7.
Our peace comes through Jesus Christ, and even in the midst of adversity, trials or tribulation, we can trust His promise to never leave us, nor forsake us. For it is the same Jesus that saves us, who's job it is to present us before the...
god, jesus christ, love, morality, peace, rest, time, trust, wars
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